Bklyn speech is a pediatric speech therapy center located on the border of Park Slope and Windsor Terrace in Brooklyn, NY.
Evaluation and Treatment of:
Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Cleft Palate/Velopharyngeal Insufficiency (VPI)
Articulation Disorders
Phonological Disorders
Receptive and Expressive Language Delays and Disorders
Social Communication Disorders
Feeding Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Evaluations/ Consultations
Individual Speech and Language Therapy
Feeding Therapy
We have therapists trained in the following therapeutic techniques/approaches (among others!):
PROMPT (Prompt for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets) Therapy
DTTC (Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing) Therapy
SOS Feeding (The Sequential Oral Sensory Approach to Feeding) Therapy
Cleft palate and Velopharyngeal Insufficiency (VPI) speech therapy
Gestalt Language Processing (GLP)/Natural Language Acquisition (NLA)
Developmental language therapy
Ayres Sensory Integration
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Learning to communicate should be FUN! Let’s get started together!
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Contact us:
Email (preferred):
Address: 275 Prospect Park West Brooklyn, NY 11215